I Shut You Out

When I shut you out-I made such a mistake
Not only did I grieve your Spirit-I lost the feeling of your grace

“It is finished” is what you said on the cross
I know this so well -yet right now I still feel so lost

It’s your presence that I long to have again
It’s like I’ve lost my one and only true friend

Why are you allowing me to endure this feeling of loss and pain
There is such a longing in me to feel your Spirit again

Is this just a lesson to realize the value of something lost
Even though you promised to never leave-my sin comes with a cost

You fully paid the price for every single one of my sins
Perhaps the lapse of feeling your presences is so I won’t sin again

What would life be like if I never felt your presence again on the inside
I’m confident I’d still believe in you and trust you as my daily guide

This little chat I’m having sounds so much like one of the ancient psalms
This is not the first time -you’ve been hiding from people all along

Through the ages men and women have longed to feel your love
It’s during these times of absence-we get on our knees to rise above

I know, that I know, I will feel your gentle touch again
I think this also has something to do with my friend

They were telling me how much they missed feeling your love
God I pray they would be flooded with, filled, and saturated with you love

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