Singleness of heart is what I have in mind
I want Jesus to be my all, all of the time
Undivided purpose, with desires for none other
Keeping all relations, safe as sisters and brothers
Having eyes for you, Jesus, only
Staying close to you keeps me from being lonely
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and love Him with all of your heart soul mind and strength
By Jordy Christo 2006
One week later…
I keep hearing singleness of heart
If my eyes are stayed on Him I will not depart
Not looking to the right, the left or at another
Though painful at times, for now, there can be no other
His leading is sure and His guidance is right
I know His voice is directing me into safety day and night
Sometimes something can appear to be right
But it is the direction of the Lord that brings everything to light
So it is all about seeking Him first, I now know
Singleness of heart is the direction He is telling me to go
Jordy Christo 2006